AEDOccupational Medical Emergency Readiness

Integramax can help you get your organization prepared for any medical emergency situation that may arise.

 From minor cuts and sprains to cardiac arrest, we can help you establish an emergency occupational heath response plan that is right from your organization.  Integramax consults national, state and local guidelines as we custom design a thorough plan that is appropriate for your organization.

Occupational Emergency Medical Training and Equipment

In addition to helping you outline tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), we can assist you with the procurement of both training and equipment (AEDs, first aid kits, eyewashes, etc.). If we do not offer what you need in house, we are happy to refer you to an ethical partner firm that can source exactly what you need.

You owe it to both your customers and your employees to be prepared for routine medical emergencies that may happen on your watch. Let Integramax help you get prepared. Contact us today.